GTA: San Andreas – Drive By Walkthrough

Drive By Mission

This is another mission where you’ll play wheelman, so head outside and get in the ride. Follow the marker over to Balla territory (stop, as always, in the red marker). Your homies will warn you against stopping the car. If it screeches to a halt, so will your mission, so keep rolling.

GTA San Andreas Drive By Walkthrough 1 GTA San Andreas Drive By Walkthrough 2

Roll around the corner and follow the map to the first red marker. Once you get there, drive past slowly and look right to see how your homies are faring icing down the opposing gang. When they finish, go to the next block and hit the red marker there. Watch out for your car health… if it goes to zero, the mission will fail. So keep moving and just hunt down the red blips. Keep moving and icing fools. You can always go around the block.

GTA San Andreas Drive By Walkthrough 3 GTA San Andreas Drive By Walkthrough 4

Once you have finished killing fools around the block, head down near the bridge and ice those blips. When that’s done, your warning level will go to two stars, and the cops will be on your case. Follow the yellow marker back to the ‘hood and pilot your vehicle into the Pay N’ Spray there. When the car is repainted, pilot it back to Sweet’s house. You will receive money and respect for a mission well done. At this point, Ryder and Big Smoke’s missions also become available. For now, let’s stick with Sweet.

Next is up: Sweet’s Girl

1 thought on “GTA: San Andreas – Drive By Walkthrough”

  1. This game had everything, all kinds of missions, the awesome map ever, great playlist, and more! When i completed the game, i literally couldn’t believe it; my heart started pounding, I kept staring at the screen looking back at where i started and how it all ended; after all it was such a big story, and lots of hard missions. Just saying, still remember that feeling. It was one of the first big storyline games i had completed.

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