Limbus Company Season 3 Team Building

If you need tips and suggestions on building a good team at Limbus Company, you can use our guide.

This is the guide lep it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Season 3 Team Building in Limbus Company

Building a team with good synergy or choosing who and what to distribute is a bit difficult. This guide can be helpful to get some good guidance on which ID and EGO are great for your desired team.


Season 3 Team Building - Tremor

Cores are:

The AoE ID of:

  • Faust
  • [Lobotomy E.G.O::Regret] Faust

The Damage dealer of:

  • Outis
  • [Molar Office Fixer] Outis

[Rosespanner Workshop Rep.] Rodion
with newly added tremor EGO
[TETH] Effervescent Corrosion

The great tremor support of:

  • Ishmael
  • [LCCB Assistant Manager] Ishmael

also with the amazing EGO of:

  • Gregor
  • [ZAYIN] Legerdemain


Season 3 Team Building - Sinking

Cores are:

The almighty sinking deluxe ID of:

  • Yi Sang
  • [Effloresced E.G.O::Spicebush] Yi Sang

The almighty sinking EGO of:

  • Rodion
  • [TETH] Rime Shank
  • with the tank
  • [Dieci Assoc. South Section 4] Rodion

and the great debuffer of:

  • Ishmael
  • [Molar Boatworks Fixer] Ishmael


Season 3 Team Building - Rupture

Cores are:

The newly added rupture and charge damage dealer of

  • Yi Sang
  • [W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Yi Sang

The great rupture count support of:

  • Sinclair
  • [Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Sheet] Sinclair

The rupture reliant of:

  • Faust
  • [Seven Assoc. South Section 4] Faust
  • and
  • Heathcliff
  • [Seven Assoc. South Section 4] Heathcliff

The tremor rupture duo of:

  • Ishmael
  • [LCCB Assistant Manager] Ishmael
  • and
  • Gregor
  • [Rosespanner Workshop Fixer] Gregor


Season 3 Team Building - Charge

Cores are:

The late bloomer damage dealer of:

  • Ryoshu
  • [W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Ryōshū
  • Don Quixote
  • [W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Don Quixote
  • Ishmael
  • [R Corp. 4th Pack Reindeer] Ishmael

The easier and versatile damage dealer of:

  • Yi Sang
  • [W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Yi Sang
  • Heathcliff
  • [R Corp. 4th Pack Rabbit] Heathcliff

and the one that protecc:

  • Meursault
  • [R Corp. 4th Pack Rhino] Meursault

With all charge related archetype EGO of:

  • Telepole
  • Blind Obsession
  • AEDD
  • Dimensional Shredder


Season 3 Team Building - Poise

Cores are:

The newly added relevant poise damage dealer of:

  • Gregor
  • [Twinhook Pirates First Mate] Gregor
  • Heathcliff
  • [The Pequod Harpooneer] Heathcliff
  • Yi Sang
  • [The Pequod First Mate] Yi Sang
  • Sinclair
  • [Cinq Assoc. South Section 4 Director] Sinclair

With support of:

  • Yi Sang
  • [Blade Lineage Salsu] Yi Sang


  • Sinclair
  • [Blade Lineage Salsu] Sinclair

and EGO of:

  • Ishmael
  • [WAW] Blind Obsession


Season 3 Team Building - Bleed

Cores are:

  • The damage dealer of:
  • Gregor
  • [Twinhook Pirates First Mate] Gregor

Bleed archetype of:

  • Hong Lu

More consistent:

  • [Hook Office Fixer] Hong Lu

or that needs low bleed count:

  • [Kurokumo Clan Wakashu] Hong Lu

or that gains advantage against many:

  • [Tingtang Gang Gangleader] Hong Lu

with more good bleed ID of:

  • Heathcliff
  • [The Pequod Harpooneer] Heathcliff
  • Yi Sang
  • [The Pequod First Mate] Yi Sang
  • Ryoshu
  • [Kurokumo Clan Wakashu] Ryōshū
  • Meursault
  • [R Corp. 4th Pack Rhino] Meursault


Season 3 Team Building - Burn

Cores are:

The great negative ID of:

  • Sinclair
  • [The One Who Shall Grip] Sinclair
  • with
  • [TETH] Lifetime Stew
  • [HE] 9:2

The great damage buffer EGO of:

  • Faust
  • [TETH] 9:2

[HE] 4th Match Flame

Also the big clash EGO of:

  • Ishmael
  • with great clash EGO of
  • [HE] Ardor Blossom Star


Season 3 Team Building - Envy

Cores are:

  • Bulky and heavy hitter of envy train:
  • Heathcliff
  • [The Pequod Harpooneer] Heathcliff

Big Counter of 6+ envy a-reson (also accessible with 2*3 envy a-reson) of:

  • Don Quixote
  • [The Middle Little Sister] Don Quixote

Envy and counter/vengeance support:

  • Meursault
  • [The Middle Little Brother] Meursault

with IDs with easy access to envy such as:

  • Faust
  • [Lobotomy Corp. Remnant] Faust
  • Meursault
  • [R Corp. 4th Pack Rhino] Meursault

and cheap envy resources EGOs such as:

  • Faust
  • [TETH] Hex Nail
  • Heathcliff
  • [ZAYIN] Bodysack

Slash Fragility

Season 3 Team Building - Slash Fragility

Cores are:

  • IDs with slash fragility of:
  • Ryoshu
  • [W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent] Ryōshū
  • [Seven Assoc. South Section 6] Ryōshū
  • Meursault
  • [W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent] Meursault

and EGO of:

  • Ryoshu
  • [TETH] Red Eyes

Pierce Fragility

Season 3 Team Building - Pierce Fragility

Cores are:

  • IDs with Gaze such as:
  • Faust
  • [The One Who Grips] Faust

and IDs with Pierce Fragility of:

  • Yi Sang
  • [Seven Assoc. South Section 6] Yi Sang
  • Gregor
  • [LCB Sinner] Gregor

also with pierce fragility EGOs of:

  • Yi Sang
  • [WAW] Sunshower
  • Faust
  • [TETH] Hex Nail
Written by lep

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