Pathfinder : Kingmaker – NPC Build

Player and NPC Build

These are a few builds that I have made for a friend and decided to share them and see if they can be improved.

Player: Barbarian 18, Alchemist 2

Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager), Alchemist (Grenadier)

Aasimar (Angel-blooded, +2 str and +2 cha)
or any that gives +2 to strength

Starting Stats:

  • Str 19 (+5)
  • Dex 14
  • Con 16
  • Int 11
  • Wis 10
  • Cha 9

All stat points into strength!

Class leveling order:

Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1-2, Alchemist (grenadier) 3-4, barbarian 5-20


1) Toughness
2) Lethal Stance
3) Armour Focus: Medium armour
4) preserve organs (grenadier 2nd level)
5) Weapon focus: Great sword
6) Increased Damage Reduction
7) Outflank
8) Increased Damage Reduction
9) Improved Critical: Great sword
10) Increased Damage Reduction
11) Power Attack
12) Renewed Vigor
13) Cleave
14) Fearless Rage
15) Cleaving Finish
16) Infernal Fortitude
17) Great Cleave
18) Swift Foot
19) Great Cleaving Finish
20) Swift Foot

Disclaimer: You Cannot use spells while raging! buff your self first then rage!

Shield, Enlarge person, Expeditious Retreat, Cure Light Wounds

You’ll probably want a +2 Int item so you can cast spells after you’ve used the strength mutagen!

Player: Monk 14, Rogue 3, Inquisitor 3

Monk (Traditional Monk) or (no sub class), Rogue (no sub class), Inquisitor (no sub class) or any that gives Solo Tactics at 3rd level

Aasimar (Garuda-Blooded) (+2 Dex and +2 Wis)

Starting Stats:

  • Str 11
  • Dex 19 (+5)
  • Con 14
  • Int 10
  • Wis 18
  • Cha 7

All stat points into Dex!

Leveling Order:

Monk 1, Rogue 2-4, Monk 5-9 Inquisitor 10-12, Monk 13-20.
Alternate leveling order:
Rogue 1, Monk 2, Rogue 3-4, Monk 5-9, Inquisitor 10-12, Monk 13-20


1) Weapon Focus: Unarmed, Dodge (Monk level 1)
2) Weapon Finesse (free at Rogue lvl 1)
3) Accomplished Sneak Attacker, Combat Trick: Crane Style
4) Finesse Training: Unarmed
5) Deflect Arrows, Outflank
7) Piranha Strike
8) Leg Sweep
9) Crane Wing, Trip
11) Wings
12) Coordinated Maneuvers
13) Fury’s Fall
15) Shattering Punch, Agile Maneuvers
16) Improved Critical: Unarmed
17) Crane Riposte
19) Defensive Spin, Tandem Trip
20) Combat Reflexes


  • CMB at level 20
  • Base attack Bonus +18
  • Dexterity +7 (Agile Maneuvers)
  • Dexterity +7 (Fury’s Fall)
  • Coordinated Maneuvers +2 (if you have any adjacent ally)
  • Trip (feat) +2
    = +36

If we add in a +6 dexterity item, we get another +6 (+3 for each dex stat bonus)
= +42

Inquisitor gives us Solo Tactics: At 3rd level, all of the inquisitor’s allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the inquisitor to receive the listed bonus.

Party feats: Outflank (+4 to hit), Coordinated Maneuver (+2 to all CMB), Tandem Trip (take the higher of two D20 rolls on all trip CMB rolls)

Amiri: Barbarian 18, Alchemist 2

Barbarian (no sub class) Alchemist (Grenadier)

  • Str 16 (+4)
  • Dex 13 (+1)
  • Con 16
  • Int 10
  • Wis 12
  • Cha 10

First stat point into Dex (lvl 4) the rest into Str!

Leveling order:
Barbarian 1-2, Alchemist (grenadier) 3-4, barbarian 5-20


1) Toughness, Exotic Weapon proficiency
2) Lethal Stance
3) Armour Focus: Medium armour
4) preserve organs (grenadier 2nd level)
5) Weapon focus: Great sword or Bastard Sword
6) Renewed Vigor
7) Outflank
8) Swift Foot
9) Improved Critical: Great sword or Bastard Sword
10) Increased Damage Reduction
11) Power Attack
12) Increased Damage Reduction
13) Cleave
14) Fearless Rage
15) Cleaving Finish
16) Increased Damage Reduction
17) Great Cleave
18) Infernal Fortitude
19) Great Cleaving Finish
20) Swift Foot

Not as good at the player version but still plenty good.

WiP Valerie: Fighter 7, Stalwart Defender 10, Inquisitor 3

Starting Stats:

  • Str 14 (+4)
  • Dex 13
  • Con 19 (+1)
  • Int 9
  • Wis 10
  • Cha 15

First stat point into Con, the rest in Str.

Leveling order:
Fighter (Tower Shield Expert) 1-7, Stalwart Defender 8-17, Inquisitor 18-20


1) Toughness, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
2) Armour Focus: Heavy
3) Shield Focus
4) Weapon Focus: Bastard sword
5) Missile Shield
6) Endurance
7) Weapon Specialization: Bastard Sword
9) Renewed Defense
11) Greater Shield Focus, Fearless Defense
13) Improved Critical: Bastard Sword, Increased Damage Reduction
15) Iron Will, Increased Damage Reduction
17) Outflank, Roused Defense
19) Shield Wall
20) Back to Back

Valerie will need a +2 Wis item to cast spells.

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