Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Unique Shields & Locations

In this guide, we told you how to get Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Unique Shields and their Locations. Pathfinder all unique items here.

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Unique Shields and Locations

ArrowguardBucklerThis +4 buckler grants its wielder an additional +3 bonus to AC against ranged attacks.
BladeguardBucklerThis +3 buckler grants its wielder an additional +3 bonus to AC against melee attacks.
Buckler of Protective ElementsBucklerWhenever the wielder of this +4 buckler becomes a target of a spell that deals elemental damage (even if such effect was prevented by spell or elemental resistance), he gains immunity to the corresponding element for 1 round.
Buckler of Ray NegationBucklerThis +3 buckler grants the wearer a +5 bonus to AC against ranged touch attacks.
Deceiving FacadeBucklerWhenever the wielder of this +1 buckler receives a critical hit, they are affected with the effect of a mirror image spell that produces 2 mirror images that last 2 rounds.Defender’s Heart (Joran Vhane)
Disk of UnbalanceBucklerThis +5 buckler grants its wearer a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against enemies under movement-impairing conditions.
Eluding TargetBucklerThis +2 buckler grants its wielder a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks with two-handed weapons.Citadel Drezen
Ratcatcher’s BucklerBucklerThis +2 buckler grants its wielder a +4 morale bonus AC against the attacks of Vermins.
Ancestral Dwarven ShieldHeavy ShieldThis +2 heavy shield grants its wielder DR 2/-.
Assertion Of DominanceHeavy ShieldThis +5 heavy shield grants its wielder immunity to slashing and piercing damage while the wielder is at full health.
Bashing ShieldHeavy ShieldThis +1 shield was specifically designed to perform a shield bash. It deals damage as if it were a weapon of three size categories larger (Medium light shield deals 1d8 points of damage). The shield acts as a +1 weapon when used to bash.
Blessed DefenseHeavy ShieldThis +3 shield gives its wielder the ability to cast divine power spell once per day as a 7th level cleric.
BulwarkHeavy ShieldThis +2 heavy wooden shield grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus to Perception checks, and acid resistance 15.
Charred BulwarkHeavy ShieldThis +4 heavy shield grants its wielder immunity to cold and a +1 bonus to AC against Medium and smaller creatures.
Child of the WindHeavy ShieldThis +3 heavy shield increases the wielder’s speed by +10 feet.
Divine ProtectorHeavy ShieldThis +2 mithral heavy shield grants its wielder DR 5/magic.Houndheart Campsite
Heavy ShieldHeavy ShieldThis +5 heavy shield can be used as a weapon. On a successful hit it makes the target bleed for 1d6 damage per turn. Effects of multiple applications of this effect stack. Bleeding stops when the battle ends, or when the target is cured by any effect that restores HP.Defender’s Heart (Joran Vhane), Tirabade Residence (Entranced Fighter), Drezen
Heavy Shield of Elemental ProtectionHeavy ShieldThis +2 heavy shield grants its wielder acid resistance 15 and fire resistance 15.
Heavy Shield of Innate TrustHeavy ShieldThis +3 heavy shield grants the wearer a +3 bonus to CMB.Drezen (Wilcer Garms)
Heavy Shield of Lesser Cold ResistanceHeavy ShieldThis +1 heavy shield grants its wielder cold resistance 10.
HolemakerHeavy ShieldWhenever the wielder of this +5 spiked heavy shield confirms a critical hit, the enemy suffers a -2 penalty on attack rolls and becomes vulnerable to piercing damage for 2 rounds.
Immaculate PetalHeavy ShieldThis +4 heavy shield grants its wearer spell resistance 17 as well as negative energy resistance 30.Lost Chapel
Immaculate PetalHeavy ShieldThis is a +1 heavy shield.Lost Chapel
Ironclad WillHeavy ShieldThis +4 heavy steel shield grants its wielder a +4 morale bonus on Will saving throws.
Painful RemorseHeavy ShieldWhenever the wielder of this +2 spiked heavy shield uses it for a shield bash, it behaves like a vicious weapon, dealing an extra 2d6 points of damage to the opponent and 1d6 points of damage to the wielder.Crusader’s Camp (Wilcer Garms)
Protector of UnjustHeavy ShieldThis +2 heavy shield gives wielder +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. Both its AC and saving throw bonuses increase by 2 against spells, abilities and attacks by good or lawful outsiders. Cannot be equipped by lawful or good characters.
Shield of Holy ThornHeavy ShieldWhenever the wielder of this +3 spiked holy heavy shield uses it for a shield bash, it behaves like a holy weapon, dealing an extra 2d6 points of holy damage to the opponent.
Shield of Incorruptible HeartHeavy ShieldThis +4 heavy shield grants the wielder a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against evil creatures. Whenever the wielder of this shield is critically hit, a joyful rapture spell is activated as if it was cast by 12th level cleric.
The Undying Love of the HopebringerHeavy ShieldThis is a +5 spiked shield, this shield also has a +5 enchant bonus to attacks and damage made by it. Once per day the wielder can choose to assign Light or Dark aura for this shield. Light Aura — All enemies in a 30 feet range are under faery fire effect, all companions gain a +2 insight bonus to saving throws and skill checks. Whenever an enemy lands a critical hit against the wearer or companion, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 30) or be blinded and slowed as per slow spell for 1d4 rounds. Additionally any healing applied to the shield bearer will also heal all party members for 1d6 + shield bearer`s level. Dark Aura — All enemies in a 30 feet area have a -2 penalty to Initiative, all companions gain a +2 profane bonus to attack of opportunities and critical hit confirmation. Whenever a companion lands a critical hit against the enemy, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 25) or be under sleeping effect for 1d3 rounds. All curses, poisons, diseases and mind-affecting spells have their save DC increased by 2 both for enemies and companions.. If the wearer is of good alignment, shield gains holy quality for all attacks with this shield. Additionally for a standard action the wearer can use Light Nova ability, it deals damage to the wearer equal to 25% of her HP and heals everyone by 40 hp and deals 20 damage to all enemies. If the wearer is of evil alignment, shield gains an unholy quality for all attacks with this shield. Additionally for a standard action the wearer can use Dark Nova ability, it deals 20 damage to the all his companions and they get Chosen of the Dark Nova effect, while all enemies in a 30 feet area receive Pray of The Chosen. Under Chosen of the Dark Nova effect companions receive +5 damage bonus against Pray of The Chosen. If the wearer is of neutral alignment, the wearer can use both of abilities. However, if the wearer used one ability, the wearer can’t use another ability until the rest.
Wild GuardianHeavy ShieldThis +3 heavy wooden shield grants its wearer a +3 resistance bonus to Will saving throws, and a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution.
Ancient WoodLight ShieldThis +5 light shield grants its wearer a +15 competence bonus on Lore (Nature) skill checks and a +3 competence bonus to AC against unarmed and natural attacks.
Bellowing HowlLight ShieldWhile you are wielding this +2 spiked light shield you get 20 resistance to sonic damage and a +2 bonus on saving throws against sound based effects, if someone attacks with sonic damage, the wielder has to make a Reflex saving throw (DC 19) for sonic damage to echo from this shield, dealing all enemies in a 10 feet area 3d6 sonic damage.
Blinding LightLight ShieldWhenever the enemy confirms a critical hit against the wielder of this +3 mithral light shield, every enemy in 30 feet area must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become blinded for 1d4 rounds and suffer 4d6 positive energy damage. A successful saving throw negates the blindness and halves the damage.
Chillroar’s Hide Spiked Light ShieldLight ShieldThis is an intermediate step of relic creation.
ColdbiteLight ShieldWhile you are wielding this +2 spiked light shield you deal +1 bonus damage per dice rolled for spells with cold descriptor. Whenever you use shield bash, the enemy has to pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become vulnerable to cold damage, taking 50% more damage than normal, until the end of battle.
Flesh TearerLight ShieldThis +5 spiked light shield grants its wearer a +2 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls against living enemies.
ForewarningLight ShieldThis +3 light shield grants its wielder immunity to critical hits.
Heart of ThunderLight ShieldThis +5 light wooden shield grants its wielder immunity to being paralyzed and the ability to cast shout, greater spell three times per day as a 7th level wizard.
Light Shield of Cursed AllegianceLight ShieldThis +3 light shield emanates a cursed aura: whenever an ally adjacent to this shield’s wielder is attacked, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 21) against this curse or suffer a -3 attack penalty on the next attack roll.
Light Shield of Lesser Negative Energy ResistanceLight ShieldThis +1 light shield grants its wielder negative energy resistance 10.Drezen (Wilcer Garms)
Light Shield of the Faultless DaybreakLight ShieldThis is an intermediate step of relic creation.
Northern LightsLight ShieldThis +1 light wooden shield grants its wielder cold resistance 10 and a +1 resistance bonus to Fortitude saving throws.
Ray BlockerLight ShieldThis +3 light shield grants its wielder a +4 bonus on saving throws against all spells of Evocation school.
Shield of Magical RetributionLight ShieldWhenever an enemy hits the wielder of this +2 light shield with any touch attack (melee or ranged), that enemy suffers 2d6 force damage.
Talion KeeperLight ShieldThis +4 spiked light shield provokes a shield bash dealing 2d6 piercing damage to the attacker whenever its wielder is critically hit.
Triumphant NoontideLight ShieldWhenever this +3 mithral light shield is under the effect of Sacred Shield, each time the wielder bashes using this shield, it deals 1d6 holy damage, an enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 18) or will be marked. If a marked creature dies, a Will-o-Wisp (CR 8) appears for 10 minutes or until a new Will-o-Wisp will be created, this Will-o-Wisp will try to heal and support your characters. This shield also deals additional 2d8 points of holy damage to undead creatures.
Bastion of Lion’s HeartTower ShieldThis +2 tower shield grants its wielder negative energy resistance 10 and a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.Citadel Drezen
Colossal ShadeTower ShieldThis tower shield grants its wielder a +3 bonus on saving throws against blindness.
Dawn of LifeTower ShieldThis +3 tower shield weighs twice as much as a usual tower shield and limits its wielder’s speed to 20 feet. Whenever the wielder receives a critical hit, they are healed for the amount of HP equal to the number of their Hit Dice.Crusader’s Camp (Wilcer Garms)
Defender’s BulwarkTower ShieldThis +3 tower shield grants its wielder DR 2/-.
FlameguardTower ShieldThis +1 tower shield grants its wielder a +3 resistance bonus on Reflex saving throws and fire resistance 10.
Impassable GuardTower ShieldThis +5 tower shield grants its wielder DR 15/-.
Shield of ChastiseTower ShieldThis +5 tower shield grants its wielder a +4 competence bonus to AC against touch attacks.
SpellbreakerTower ShieldThis +4 tower shield grants its wielder a +10 competence bonus on saving throws against Evocation school spells.
Tower Shield of Elemental ProtectionTower ShieldThis +2 tower shield grants its wielder electricity resistance 15 and cold resistance 15.
Unbreakable BastionTower ShieldThis +4 tower shield grants its wielder a +4 resistance bonus on all saving throws, and a +4 deflection bonus to AC.
Walls of the SanctuaryTower ShieldThis +5 Tower Shield has a +6 deflection bonus to AC and allows its wielder to make all party members except the wielder invisible as under the greater invisibility spell effect. This power can be used for 20 rounds per day. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Warden of DarknessTower ShieldThis +4 mithral tower shield gives the wielder DR 5/good and a -2 penalty to attack rolls against evil characters. It can be worn only by evil-aligned creatures.
WyrmwallTower ShieldThis +5 tower shield grants its wielder a +4 bonus to saving throws against fire, acid, cold and electricity, and a +2 bonus to AC against Huge or larger creatures.
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Unique Shields and Locations

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