Red Dead Redemption 2 – Meet With Colonel Favours Walkthrough

The quest Meet With Colonel Favours is part of Red Dead Redemption 2 The Fine Art Of Conversation Chapter.

Red Dead Redemption 2 how to earn gold medalGold Medal Checklist

  1. Kill a pursuers horse during the escape
  2. Complete wihtin 9 minutes 30 seconds
  3. Complete with at least 75% accuracy
  4. Complete the mission without taking any health items

Meet With Colonel Favours Walkthrough

  • Mount your horse and follow Rains Fall and Charles.
  • Cross the river that Rains Fall and Charles pass.
  • Arrive at Colonel Favours’ campsite, and unmount your horse.
  • Head towards the table by the camp where Colonel Favours is waiting.
  • You will start coughing up a fit, and be escorted to a tent for treatment.

1. This Is A Linear Mission Sequence

This is a Linear Mission Sequence

There is no combat in this section of the mission. All you will need to do is follow Charles and Rains Fall to Colonel Favours’ camp, and then start with the meeting.

Meet With Colonel Favours quest is completed.

Next is up: Leave The Camp Alive

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