Red Dead Redemption 2 – Ride To Port Van Horn

The quest Ride To Port Van Horn is part of Red Dead Redemption 2 A Rage Unleashed Chapter.

Red Dead Redemption 2 how to earn gold medalGold Medal Checklist

  1. Knock out 2 soldiers on the boat
  2. Round up the horses and reach shore within 1 minute 30 seconds

Ride To Port Van Horn Walkthrough

  • Talk to Reverend Swanson to start this mission
  • After the cutscene, mount up on your horse and follow Eagle Flies
  • Once you reach Port Van Horn, a cutscene will trigger

1. Ride & Converse With Dutch & Eagle Flies

Ride To Port Van Horn 1

This is a long ride to Port Van Horn. Listen in on the conversation or use the cinematic mode to enjoy the scenery.

Congratulations! Red Dead Redemption – Ride To Port Van Horn quest is completed.

Next is up: Free The Horses

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