Resident Evil 2 – Escape Assisted Mode


1. Leave the P-4 Testing Labs, via the “Bio Reactors Room” which will trigger a cutscene…

Once it has been completed you will then fight the FINAL BERKIN BOSS in a circle style arena, target only the exposed eyeballs, prevent him from throwing objects at you by shooting the “eyeball” on his back…

Each time his chest is exposed do maximum amount of damage possible to the exposed eyes !!

Feel free to use any weapon at your disposal, once he has been defeated run around the edges of the arena collecting every item possibe, heal and reload all your weapons

And leave via the service lift to activate another cutscene.

2. Head to the “main shaft” after the cutscene with ada get in the central elevator to begin your primary escape, a time will now be running. As you get of the central elevator there is a “First aid spray” in the first “Monitor room” collect it and continue through the room to another cutscene.

Note: Check the map regular to ensure you are moving in the right direction, running as much as possible, again feel free to use whatever weapon you feel suitable as you continue progressing in your escape, but bear in mind to save some decent ammo for the final boss fight…

After a cutscene with Mr.X you will need to collect the “Joint Plug” which requires x2 empty inventory slots, so consider which items to drop bearing in mind ammo/health are priority and disgard any items required to be able to pick up the the plug…

Note: Tips; reload weapons (this might free up a ammo slot) combine ammo in the inventory, this also may free up slots. flashbangs and grenades arent really so important really. But after the fight there is a chance to use the grenades to get a steam achievement because there is a pack of zombies for the taking…

When ready proceed to the elevator and place the “joint plug” into position…

3. During the boss battle your primary concern is not to outright try to kill the target, but to avoid his attacks until a “anti tank rocket launcher” is dropped for usage, if he starts to charge enegry, unload bullets into him to knock him out of the stance before he charges.

He can and often will instantly kill you if allowed to charge at you once charged !!
use falling concrete for cover, and keep moving !!

Once completed, you should have the “Minimalist” achievement !!

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