Rogue Genesia Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival

What are secret avatars in Rogue Genesia and how to survive forever? If you are looking for answers to these questions, this guide will help you! We’ve detailed the secret avatars you need, how to survive, and more. Check out our Rogue Genesia Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival guide without wasting time.

Rogue Genesia Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival

Welcome to our Rogue Genesia Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival guide. We’ve detailed the secret avatars you need, how to survive, and more. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Rogue Genesia game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Rogue Genesia guide.

Secret Avatars?

Dog Rog

Start a E Rank survival. Run straight up from spawn. You will find a skull facing left. Run left. You will find a skull facing right, run up again, you will find and collect a large bone that unlocks Dog Rog.

Unconfirmed as to why skulls may not spawn. Maybe you have to complete E world survival. Reports say bone still spawns without skulls. Move speed and time listed. If spawned, skulls and bone are in the same spot. There is no RNG.

Movespeed 7.50. Knight Rog with E Shoul Shop Move Speed max leveled. No dashing. Up from spawn till 2:10. Then left till 3:05. Up for unknown amount. Bone spawns once so I can’t time. Definitely no more than another 5 minutes going up again.

Rogue Genesia Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Rogue Genesia Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Rogue Genesia Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Rogue Genesia Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival

Corrupted Rog

Unlocked by surviving around “9 days” in survival mode. About 2-3 hours real time. A secret ending cut scene will occur. The cut scene is not triggered by a specific time, but when enemy health reaches infinity. This guide includes a simple build to survive to that point. The achievement does not appear until unlocked.

Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival

Basics of Infinity

There are two methods for surviving until enemy health reaches infinity. Making yourself invulnerable, or standing still and killing everything nearly instantly, with some room for grace. This guide is for the later but brief overview of invulnerable method is here.

Invulnerable Object Method

Don’t do this method. Complete invulnerability method requires attention throughout the run. It makes use of the Anachronistic ability to slow time and make yourself take no damage during the ability. Anachronistic uses dashes as energy. These are from the C Tier Soul Shop. With enough dashes, dash cooldown and Sage Leaf providing 4 seconds of invulnerability, you can swap back and forth between Anachronistic and Sage Leaf while dashes recharge. Making yourself invulnerable but makes the run take 15 hours of constant attention to reach infinite enemy health because you slow the in-game timer.

Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival

Unstoppable Force Method

The power to kill those that touch the bounds of infinite, Death Scythe.

  • Evolution of Cleaver and Swordrang
  • Has 5% chance (+1% per level) to Instant kill a monster per hit.
  • *Has 1% chance (+0.1% per level) to Instant kill an elite+
  • Boss lose 10% of their current health instead of being instant killed
  • *Critical hit, double the chance of instant killing a monster
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival

Priority Stats

We rely on Death Scythe instant killing so the only stats that affect that are:

  • Death Scythe Level
  • Attack Speed
  • Additional Projectiles
  • Projectile Speed
  • Projectile Lifetime
  • Projectile Size
  • Critical Chance
  • Knockback
  • Movement Speed for Hermes’ Hood Attack Speed Boost

All other stats will be considered useless for killing infinite health enemies. However you will still need to grab a couple cards based on your own judgement, that will help you survive until Death Scythe is self sufficient.

Before Starting

Turn Automatic Level-up off. We will be using the Shop-Keeper so we choose to level-up when we have enough money to buy cards. As well as to not interrupt the game when we have all the cards we want. Turn Auto Aim on. This is so the Thunder Vial will target enemies and not your cursor.

Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival

Turn your graphics setting down to the minimum. Lower your graphic setting and set resolution to 1080p if not already. There will be a lot of lag when attack speed and additional projectiles gets maxed out. The game may still play like a slideshow but this should put less strain on your computer.

Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival

Avatars and Talents


It is easiest to get the cards we need using Shop-keeper. You can repeatedly buy Banish charges to remove cards you don’t need. We will be banishing a large portion of cards.

Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival


The bonuses from talents are not required to complete the run. Their boost is minimal but do have some value. Swordrang as its required for Death Scythe, and its a nice starting weapon. Multi-Shot to increase additional projectiles. Sun Stone to increase experience a bit and card drops that affect experience so we can get them earlier.

Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival


You get artifacts in survival mode by killing bosses, elites that spawn at certain times, breaking crates and golden cactus. There will be plenty of artifacts.

Mandatory Artifacts

  • Sage’s Leaf, required fail safe. Unlikely but you could get bopped. Enemies will one shot you. It prevents damage, including the damage that triggers it.
  • Troll Blood, not so mandatory fail safe. Even less likely but what if you get bopped when Sage’s Leaf is on cooldown? The bonus health bar will deflect you getting one shotted. One Shot Deflection. It will leave you with 1 health. Which is why we minimised max health and maximised health regeneration. To fill the bar to full faster.
  • Corrupted Core, needed to over-level cards.
  • Hermes’ Hood, Exceptional attack speed multiplier. Reduces amount of Cardio cards needed to max attack speed.
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival

Wanted Artifacts

  • Glass Sword, reduces max health. For One Shot Deflection. Unlikely need to rely on. Do not grab if it makes the run harder.
  • Cursed Belt, reduces max health. For One Shot Deflection. Unlikely need to rely on. Do not grab if it makes the run harder.
  • Phoenix Totem, if you have to rely on this then something wacky is going on with your build and you are going to die anyways. Here’s to hoping though.
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival

Run Ruining Artifacts

  • Bhikkhu Pearl, don’t fly too close to the sun. Increases lag and makes run harder.
  • Portal Shard. What? You paid for the whole CPU and you want to use the whole CPU. I advise against that. Can also make projectiles unpredictable.
  • Old Coin. Makes getting the needed cards harder. Experience and gold are already at a good balance.
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival


If the Soul-Card affects a priority stat, it is required. Ice Spirit, Immovable Object and Fractal are also required. Healthy, Healing Factor, Overworked, and Lust are not required for the current survival worlds. Used in case One Shot Deflection is needed more in future worlds or updates. We banish a lot of cards so we are given the ones we want. Using the Shop-keeper, Banish refresh can be purchased in the level-up shop. Some of the banished cards can be used to help you survive at the start. As long as the card does not negatively affect any priority stats which again are:

  • Attack Speed
  • Additional Projectiles
  • Projectile Speed
  • Projectile Lifetime
  • Projectile Size
  • Critical Chance
  • Knockback
  • Movement Speed for Hermes’ Hood Attack Speed Boost

Along with Death Scythe, you need some extra weapons.

  • Thunder Vial [Explosive Vial/Thunder Staff] (Auto-aim enabled)
  • Fuuma Shuriken [Shuriken/Kunai]
  • Magic Wand
  • Bow
  • Crossbow

These are to generate knockback on the enemy and are a good balance for minimal cards and lag. More weapons increases lag and could crash the game. Auto-aim can be turned on in the settings.

Patience level 2 is not required. You will max crit chance with level 1. Banish it after level 1
No specific level for Cardio. Just get enough Cardio to max attack speed.

No need to do anything fancy like leveling weapons to level 9.

Optionally you can banish Stone Handed instead of taking it and get Agility for more attack speed from Hermes’ Hood. This allows you to take and overlevel Accumulation. The increase Projectile Lifetime and Knockback works better however causes more lag. You also need more Cardio cards. Around 80 Cardio cards to compensate the attack speed loss. Not hard to get if you have Tainted cards extra leveled from the Soul Shop. If not, don’t do this way.


Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival

You can take some of the banished cards that don’t negatively affect priority stats to help you survive. God’s Wrath and Recursive to increase damage are good. You will have enough gold and experience to get more cards.

Weapons used in evolutions will show as banished.


Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival
Secret Avatars and Infinity Survival

Important: How to Play

  • You are intended to stand still for this build. Once you have the cards. Don’t move. Tab out of the game if you want and let it ride.
  • Ensure you have the artifacts and cards needed unlocked. Go back to the Soul-Cards section to understand what is required.
  • Adjust your Soul Shop if needed to increase banishes, re-rolls, priority stats and gold gained.
  • Survival World E is probably easiest. Enough time to get the cards and artifacts you want without being in a dark cave.
  • Do not fret too much about your max health and health regeneration. Do not take Cursed Belt or Glass sword if it makes your run harder. One Shot Deflection should not be needed.
  • Once you have all your cards, do not keep leveling up or open the menu. It causes weird behaviour with your projectiles and can cause monsters to rush you, therefore killing you.
  • Remember you can still grab other cards that don’t affect priority stats. Recursion and God’s Wrath for example.
  • Before things get intense, run around the map breaking crates to get yourself some artifacts. You can re-roll to get the mandatory ones, or wait for more artifacts to come your way. Most artifacts are not needed and can even be run ruining if you are forced to choose them. So don’t grab so many the game forces them.
  • Pray to RNGesus and they will bless 100% of your runs. This build is pretty consistent. Can’t imagine dying on any survival map.
Written by Captain Canada

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