Soulstone Survivors Bumble’s Lair Locations

Welcome to our Soulstone Survivors Bumble’s Lair Locations guide. Guide on how to find and unlock Bumble’s Lair and get 3 hidden achievements and Seasonal skills. Now including spoiler-free tips! We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Soulstone Survivors game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Soulstone Survivors guide.

Soulstone Survivors Bumble’s Lair Locations

Guide on how to find and unlock Bumble’s Lair and get 3 hidden achievements and Seasonal skills. Now including spoiler-free tips!

Holiday Event: 22 Dec – 05 Jan
Guaranteed to find Bumble’s Lair for a limited time to unlock secret achievements! Lair will be harder to find after the event.

Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable

Spoiler-free Hints

Feel free to think about what you’re supposed to do
Q: Question, H: Hint, A: Answer

Q. What map do I go?H. It is the Christmas event after all
A. The Snowy map, The Frozen Wastelands

Q. What do I do on the map?H. Walk around the map
A. You should find 5 fairly large circles on edges of the map, each with a different color

Q. What’s with those colors?H. There’s 5 and their colors are a bit familiar…
H. What else has 5 different colors?
A. The Soulstones dropped from the Lords of the Void

Q. What do I do with that knowledge?H. Each sigil’s color corresponds to a Soulstone’s
A. Drop each Soulstone on its respective sigil to activate them

Map: The Frozen Wastelands

Enter The Frozen Wastelands (Map 4, Snow map, Winter map, etc) at any Curse Intensity (or if you want to do this once, just Intensity 34+, see Medium and Hard)

To unlock this map, defeat 4 Bosses from the previous map, 3 from the previous previous map, 2 from the previous previous previous…
Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable

The 5 Winter Sigils – Soulstone Survivors Bumble’s Lair Locations

There will be 5 fairly large Winter Sigils laid across the Winter map in a pentagonal / star shape

They are colored the same as the 5 Soulstones dropped from each wave of bosses

The order in which you need to activate the sigils is the same as the Soulstone dropped by the bosses, which is always in the same order

Once activated, which you can tell by the sigil lines changing from grey to its color, you can ignore that sigil for the rest of the run, and you can pick up the Soulstone

Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, ignore the Minor Soulstones

Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable

Red Sigil

At the start of the game, walk directly to the bottom right side of the map to meet the Red Winter Sigil

Kill a boss from the first wave (400 kills) on the Red sigil, the boss must die inside the sigil, which would drop the red Soulstone and light up the sigil

Example of a sigil being activated, the grey turns into red for the rest of the run
(You can also hear a sound effect but I’m freakin’ deaf)

As before, once activated, you can ignore that sigil for the rest of the run, and you can also pick up the Soulstone
Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable
Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable

Blue Sigil – Soulstone Survivors Bumble’s Lair Locations

After activating the Red sigil, move directly to the center left of the map to meet up with the Blue sigil

As before, kill a boss from the second wave (850 kills) on the Blue sigil, the boss must die inside the sigil, which would drop the blue Soulstone and light up that sigil

Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable
Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable

Yellow, Green, Purple Sigils

You should be able to tell what’s going on now, kill each wave of boss on that sigil, in the order Red -> Blue -> Yellow -> Green -> Purple

Their positions on the map are bottom right -> center left -> top right -> bottom center -> top center, making a star shape!

As long as you have all 5 sigils lit up, you should see the Christmas Portal at the end of the run

If you didn’t manage to get one lit up after the wave’s boss is killed, well it’s never too late to restart your run *shrug*

Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable
Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable
Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable

Christmas Portal – Soulstone Survivors Bumble’s Lair Locations

When you’ve activated all 5 sigils, do not go into any of the 3 center portals

Instead, walk bottom right below the Red sigil and into the greenChristmas Portal

Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable
Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable

Bumble, the Abominable

Once you go through the portal, you will find the Secret Boss, Bumble the Abominable! Defeat him to get the secret skill and achievement

Be careful, he gets tougher the higher the Curse Intensity

Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable
Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable

Medium and Hard

There are 2 other secret skills and achievements, in which you would need to do the same thing but with Curse Intensities 25+ and 34+ respectively

Doing 34+ first will give you all 3 achievements at once, and doing 25+ first will give you the bottom 2

Any Curses work as long as you hit the threshold

Good luck! He gets a little difficult at 34

Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable
Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable

My Build

Lastly, here’s my build to beat it, ye olde Disoriented (Crit Mastery OP)

Yes, I play on Very low graphics

Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. Can I go to Bumble on Endless?A. No, the Winter Sigils only spawn if your selected map is The Frozen Wastelands, if you go into that map using a portal (ie from Endless) it will not spawn

Q. Can I go to Endless from Bumble?A. It’s a Holiday Miracle! You get to use both portals after defeating Bumble regardless of whatever time you completed the map or defeated Bumble

You can defeat Bumble in any time and still use them even if the total time exceeds 13/14 minutes

Winterfall Holiday Event Guide: Bumble, The Abominable
Q. Is the event limited?Allan mentioned you will still be able to do it after it is over, but there is no info at the moment

Q. Do you have Discord?Yes I always hang out on the Game Smithing server[] 24/7, feel free to ask any questions

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