Tactics Ogre Reborn: Recruitment Guide

Welcome to our Tactics Ogre Reborn Recruitment Guide. This is a semi-spoiler free guide on how to recruit every character in the game. (this is based on the PSP version of the game, we still don’t know if there’s new characters to recruit).

Recruitment Guide

This is a semi-spoiler free guide on how to recruit every character in the game. (this is based on the PSP version of the game, we still don’t know if there’s new characters to recruit)! Also don’t forget to check our walkthrough guide.

Character Availability Chart

Certain characters are only available on certain routes through the game. Avoiding spoilers, the choice between Lawful and Chaotic occurs at the end of Chapter 1: follow orders for Lawful, or disobey them for Chaotic. At the end of the Chaotic Chapter 2, you’ll receive another offer: accept it for Neutral, or decline to stay on Chaotic. Depending on what you select for these decisions, a certain set of characters will be available for you to recruit.

  • 1, 2, 3, etc. = available on this route (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic) in this chapter
  • P = available postgame, during the Coda
  • – = unavailable on this route
Berda the Younger444
Obda the Younger444

* = Iuria can only be recruited with Gildas in your army. If he is in your army, even if he is dead in the Warren Report (thanks to World), she is still recruitable, since the Coda is a bit more relaxed on that score than the main game.

Chaotic Playthrough

  • CH1, Tynemouth Hill: Recruit Canopus
  • CH1, Krysaro: Save Donnalto to recruit him, Sara and Voltare; alternately
  • you can let him die to recruit Felicia in his place
  • CH1, Balmamusa: Refuse to participate in the Balmamusa massacre to begin the
  • Chaotic route
  • CH2, Xeod Moors: Save Arycelle and she will join you as a guest; keep her
  • alive until Tynemouth Hill, and you can recruit her
  • CH2, Krysaro: Agree to help Folcurt and keep him alive until Boed Fortress
  • CH2, Qadriga Fortress: Save Bayin and agree to go to Ndamsa Fortress after
  • Cistina; keep him alive until Boed Fortress
  • CH2, Boed Fortress: Invite Cistina to join you and you can recruit her,
  • Bayin and Folcurt
  • CH2, Almorica Castle: Refuse to rejoin Leonar to enter the Chaotic route
  • CH3, Almorica Castle: Recruit Mirdyn
  • CH3, Boed Fortress: Save Cerya from Oz
  • CH3, Krysaro: Before going to Port Asyton, talk to Leonar in Krysaro
  • CH3, Qadriga Fortress: Save Phaesta, Chamos and Tamuz to recruit them and Hobyrim
  • CH3, Port Asyton: Save Oelias and Dievold to recruit them
  • CH4, Brigantys Castle: Recruit Olivya
  • CH4, Port Omish: After reading about Port Omish, save Diego there
  • CH4, Balmamusa: Save Oelias
  • CH4, Qadriga Fortress: Defeat Dievold
  • CH4, Golyat: Save Cressida; if your Galgastani Chaos Frame is high enough, you can recruit her (see above)
  • CH4, Hagia Banhamuba: Reduce Sherri to <10% HP without killing her
  • CH4, Balmamusa: After returning to Coritanae, go to Balmamusa when it’s raining and Olivya has moderately high loyalty to recruit Sherri
  • CH4: Read about the Pirate’s Graveyard and visit it, then read about the Pirate Azelstan in the Warren Report
  • CH4, Port Omish: See scene with Azelstan
  • CH4, Qadriga Fortress: See scene for Azelstan recruitment
  • CH4, Barnicia Castle: Don’t kill Catiua if she’s in the battle, and afterwards answer her appropriately to recruit her (see above)
  • CH4, Port Omish: Save Azelstan
  • CH4, Pirate’s Graveyard (Crystal Halls): Keep Azelstan alive to recruit him
  • CH4, Grimsby: Read about the fortresses, then save Lindl to recruit him
  • CH4, Neimrahava Wood: Read about the bandits after saving Lindl, then reduce Ganpp to <10% HP without killing him or his pets to recruit them
  • CH4, Palace of the Dead (Floor 2): Save Rudlum to recruit him
  • CODA: Read about Iuria in the Warren Report
  • CODA, Port Omish: Meet Iuria and escape the battle; read about her in the Warren Report, close the Report, then reopen it and read about her again
  • CODA, Pirate’s Graveyard (Into the Darkness): Battle to the end of the
  • Pirate’s Graveyard to recruit Iuria

Neutral Playthrough

  • CH1, Tynemouth Hill: Recruit Canopus
  • CH1, Krysaro: Save Donnalto to recruit him, Sara and Voltare; alternately you can let him die to recruit Felicia in his place
  • CH1, Balmamusa: Refuse to participate in the Balmamusa massacre to begin the Chaotic route
  • CH2, Xeod Moors: Save Arycelle and she will join you as a guest; keep her
  • alive until Tynemouth Hill, and you can recruit her
  • CH2, Krysaro: Agree to help Folcurt and keep him alive until Boed Fortress
  • CH2, Qadriga Fortress: Save Bayin and agree to go to Ndamsa Fortress after
  • Cistina; keep him alive until Boed Fortress
  • CH2, Boed Fortress: Invite Cistina to join you and you can recruit her, Bayin and Folcurt
  • CH2, Almorica Castle: Agree to rejoin Leonar for the Neutral route
  • CH3, Bahanna Highlands: Save Hobyrim to recruit him
  • CH3, Almorica Castle: Recruit Mirdyn and Gildas
  • CH3, Boed Fortress: Save Cerya from Oz to recruit her
  • CH4, Brigantys Castle: Recruit Olivya
  • CH4, Qadriga Fortress: Read about the pirates at Qadriga in the Report, then tell Ehlrig “X” to recruit him and Cerya
  • CH4, Port Omish: After reading about Port Omish, save Diego there
  • CH4, Hagia Banhamuba: Reduce Sherri to <10% HP without killing her
  • CH4, Balmamusa: After returning to Coritanae, go to Balmamusa when it’s raining and Olivya has decently high loyalty to recruit Sherri
  • CH4: Read about the Pirate’s Graveyard and visit it, then read about the Pirate Azelstan in the Warren Report
  • CH4, Port Omish: See scene with Azelstan
  • CH4, Qadriga Fortress: See scene for Azelstan recruitment
  • CH4, Barnicia Castle: Don’t kill Catiua if she’s in the battle, and afterwards answer her propriately to recruit her (see above)
  • CH4, Port Omish: Save Azelstan
  • CH4, Pirate’s Graveyard (Crystal Halls): Keep Azelstan alive to recruit him
  • CH4, Grimsby: Read about the fortresses, then save Lindl to recruit him
  • CH4, Neimrahava Wood: Read about the bandits after saving Lindl, then
  • reduce Ganpp to <10% HP without killing him or his pets to recruit them
  • CH4, Palace of the Dead (Floor 2): Save Rudlum to recruit him
  • CODA: Read about Iuria in the Warren Report
  • CODA, Port Omish: Meet Iuria and escape the battle; read about her in the Warren Report, close the Report, then reopen it and read about her again
  • CODA, Pirate’s Graveyard (Into the Darkness): Battle to the end of the Pirate’s Graveyard to recruit Iuria

Lawful Playthrough

  • CH1, Tynemouth Hill: Recruit Canopus
  • CH1, Krysaro: Save Donnalto to recruit him, Sara and Voltare; alternately you can let him die to recruit Felicia in his place
  • CH1, Balmamusa: Agree to participate in the Balmamusa massacre to begin the Lawful route; keep Ravness alive in the ensuing battle
  • CH2, Rhea Boum Aqueduct: After the Aqueduct battle, read about Ravness’ capture in the Warren Report
  • CH2, Reisan Way: Save Ravness
  • CH2, Qadriga Fortress: Save Xapan, and he will join as a guest
  • CH2, Almorica Castle: Xapan will offer to join; recruit him or not (you will get another chance in Chapter 4 if you turn him down)
  • CH2, Arkhaiopolis of Rhime: Don’t kill Arycelle in the battle
  • CH3, Brigantys Castle: When asked whether the Galgastani are the enemy, answer “How could they be?” to recruit Jeunan
  • CH3, Bahanna Highlands: Save Ravness to recruit her
  • CH3, Almorica Castle: Recruit Vyce, Arycelle, Mirdyn and Gildas
  • CH3, Arkhaiopolis of Rhime: Keep Hobyrim alive in the battle against Ozma to recruit him
  • CH4, Brigantys Castle: Recruit Olivya
  • CH4: Read about the rift in the Dark Knights in the Warren Report
  • CH4, Port Omish: After reading about Port Omish, save Diego there
  • CH4, Hagia Banhamuba: Reduce Sherri to <10% HP without killing her
  • CH4, Balmamusa: After returning to Coritanae, go to Balmamusa when it’s raining and Olivya has moderately high loyalty to recruit Sherri
  • CH4: Read about the Pirate’s Graveyard and visit it, then read about the Pirate Azelstan in the Warren Report
  • CH4, Port Omish: See scene with Azelstan
  • CH4, Qadriga Fortress: See scene for Azelstan recruitment
  • CH4, Krysaro: Bring Hobyrim into the battle with loyalty >50 and tell Ozma of his identity; bring Ozma down to <10% HP and defeat Volaq to recruit her
  • CH4, Golyat: If you didn’t recruit Xapan earlier, reduce him to critical HP to recruit him
  • CH4, Barnicia Castle: Don’t kill Catiua if she’s in the battle, and afterwards answer her appropriately to recruit her (see above)
  • CH4, Port Omish: Save Azelstan
  • CH4, Pirate’s Graveyard (Crystal Halls): Keep Azelstan alive to recruit him
  • CH4, Grimsby: Read about the fortresses, then save Lindl to recruit him
  • CH4, Neimrahava Wood: Read about the bandits after saving Lindl, then reduce Ganpp to <10% HP without killing him or his pets to recruit them
  • CH4, Vasque: Meet Reymos and Ocionne
  • CH4, Lhazan Fortress (Within the Fortress): Save Ocionne and let her, Denam and Jeunan complete their conversation (see above) to recruit her
  • CH4, Palace of the Dead (Floor 2): Save Rudlum to recruit him
  • CODA: Read about Iuria in the Warren Report
  • CODA, Port Omish: Meet Iuria and escape the battle; read about her in the Warren Report, close the Report, then reopen it and read about her again
  • CODA, Pirate’s Graveyard (Into the Darkness): Battle to the end of the
  • Pirate’s Graveyard to recruit Iuria


  • Status: Unique
  • Initial class: Witch OR Wicce
  • Unique classes: Wicce, Shaman
  • Alignment: C
  • Available routes: All

How to recruit: Deneb is probably the most difficult character to recruit in the game. During chapter 4, read the Talk topic “Deneb’s Emporium” in the Warren Report. This will unlock her shop, which moves from town to town depending on the day of the month.

To recruit her as a Witch, you must unlock the village of Vasque by beginning the Palace of the Dead sidequest and fighting until you clear the battle there.
Then purchase 5 elemental orbs of each kind from her shop; the trouble is that these elemental orbs are only available by auctioning off dragons of each elemental type. Once you’ve done this, she will talk to you. Answer her “No.
Let’s hear it,” and she will join your party as a guest to pursue the rogue Punkin. Go to the village of Vasque and you will have to fight a Wicce named Punkin, accompanied by a bevy of Pumpkinhead Familiars. Defeat Punkin while keeping Deneb alive, and Deneb will place Punkin in charge of her shop and join your army.

But wait! Deneb can also join your party as a unique class, Wicce, which has better stats than a Witch and several unique action abilities. In order for this to happen, though, you must sell 30 Glass Pumpkins to Deneb BEFORE buying the last of the elemental orbs to begin her sidequest. When she joins your party as a guest, she will be a Witch, but when she joins permanently she will be a Wicce, the same as Punkin. Glass Pumpkins are rare drops from Familiars in the Palace of the Dead; the easiest way to harvest them is to repeatedly kill two particular Familiars on B1of the Palace of the Dead (see the FAQ section for more details). This will probably take anywhere from two hours (if you’re incredibly lucky) to ten or so (if you’re not), so be aware of the extra time this sidequest can take if you decide on the Wicce class.

Comments: As a Wicce, Deneb is possibly the hardest-hitting attack magician in the game, even more so than Catiua’s Dark Priest. Abilities like Magic Time! and Stirring Kiss are useful to increase Deneb’s magic damage and to keep enemies that get close to her from hurting her. As a Witch, Deneb is a very good one, but not as good as she is as a Wicce (who can do basically everything a Witch can do, but more). She comes with Fire and Dark spells preloaded, so you also have the option of making her a Fire-elemental Shaman (which you may want to do if you didn’t get her as a Wicce, or didn’t recruit Cerya).

Keep in mind that Wicce’s Marks are expensive (5000 Goth), and I believe you can only buy one from Punkin before recruiting Iuria (at which point Punkin’s shop stocks as many as you can afford).

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