The Genesis Project Class & Aspect Abilities List

Welcome to our The Genesis Project Class & Aspect Abilities List guide. You want to know what aspect gives you what ability?Or what Class Gives What buff to a aspect? Well this is the list of everything about what does what!

The Genesis Project Class And Aspect Abilities List

Aspect Abilites


  • Time Distortion – Speed up time for yourself.
  • Clone – Summon a clone from a doomed timeline.


  • Astonish – Shoot a beam of electricity towards the cursor.
  • Fluctuate – Toggle to shock enemies.


  • Empower – Empower your next basic attack to stun.
  • Turmoil – Toggle to make any enemy hit go berserk, attacking anyone and anything around it.


  • Propaganda – Temporarily convert enemies to your side.


  • Judgement – Weaken enemies near the cursor.
  • Wrath – Summon a pillar that pushes back and damages.


  • Tarot Card – Fire a random projectile.
  • Disillusion – Go invisible.


  • Appear – Teleport towards your mouse position.
  • Push – Push all nearby enemies back.


  • Abey – Stun enemies in a cone.


  • Bravery – Cover the target in a shield that damages attackers.


  • It’s a bird! – Fly in the direction you’re facing.


  • Flourish – Heal nearby players.
  • Lightbeam – Summon a beam of light that heals friends and harms foes.


  • Blind all nearby enemies.

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“There’s only one Class Ability per player. It has the same name for a chosen Class, however, its powers change slightly (or sometimes more than slightly) depending on which Aspect they are tied with. For example, a Prince of Blood and a Prince of Doom, while reduce in general (Destroy Ability), will reduce different stats due to differing Aspects.” List of Class Abilities:

Manipulate (Witch Class Ability)

  • Time – Lowers multiple enemies’ AS (Attack Speed)
  • Heart – Removes Physical Debuffs from an ally
  • Rage – Calms enemies, cannot attack until calmness wears off
  • Blood – Kills drop souls that temporarily boost a stat depending on the enemy killed
  • Doom – Damaging Ability that revives the enemy if it kills
  • Void – Temporarily makes target invisible and unable to attack
  • Space – Shrinks the size of enemies
  • Mind – Removes Mental Debuffs from ally
  • Hope – Grant an ally a delayed Guardian Angel
  • Breath – Removes Slow and Root from X allies
  • Life – Heals the target for X% of their missing HP
  • Light – Reveal nearby environment assists

Destroy (Prince Class Ability)

  • Time – Reduce target’s attack speed
  • Heart – Damage all enemies in line
  • Rage – Reduce target’s damage output
  • Blood – Reduces enemies’ strongest stat
  • Doom – Removes debuffs from allies
  • Void – Push enemies away in a line
  • Space – Warp enemies in a line closer
  • Mind – Ability that Paralyses an enemy
  • Hope – Ability that Fears an enemy
  • Breath – Reduce target’s movement speed
  • Life – Massive DMG burst
  • Light – Decrease target’s luck

Destroy2 (Bard Class Ability)

  • Time – Reduces AS of attacker when attacked
  • Heart – Every X seconds, next basic attack executes
  • Rage – Reduces dmg of attacker when attacked
  • Blood – Passively reduces strongest stat around player
  • Doom – Debuffs are less effective around player
  • Void – Push enemies in a circle away
  • Space – Enemies stunned, pulled closer to the player
  • Mind – Every X seconds, next basic attack paralyzes
  • Hope – Fears surrounding enemies on a multi-kill
  • Breath – Reduce MS of attacker when attacked
  • Life – Passively deals damage around the player
  • Light – Passively reduces luck around player

Boost (Hier Class Ability)

  • Time – Self AS boost
  • Heart – Increased Physical Debuff recovery rate
  • Rage – Self dmg boost
  • Blood – Stats are boosted based on which players are nearby
  • Doom – Chance to revive killed enemies
  • Void – Self Ability CDR
  • Space – Self AP(Attack Power) boost
  • Mind – Increased Mental Debuff recovery rate
  • Hope – Guardian Angel blocks an attack
  • Breath – Self MS(Movement Speed) boost
  • Life – Increased HP regen scaling with missing HP
  • Light – Self luck boost

Steal (Theif Class Ability)

  • Time – Damaging Ability that steals AS to increases own AS
  • Heart – Kills drop souls that boost the next attack
  • Rage – Damaging Ability that steals damage to increases own damage
  • Blood – Steals enemies’ strongest stat, buff equivalent stat to self only
  • Doom – Ability that removes own Debuff and applies it to enemy
  • Void – Damaging Ability that halves CD when attacking an enemy for the first time
  • Space – Damaging Ability that steals damage to increase own AP
  • Mind – Ability that inflicts a Frenzy status effect
  • Hope – Steals HP, gives Shield
  • Breath – Damaging Ability that steals MS to increases own MS
  • Life – Drains HP, restores health
  • Light – Damaging Ability that steals Luck to increases own Luck

Foresee (Seer Class Ability)

  • Time – assively has Foresight (AS) for self
  • Heart – Passively has Foresight (DEF) for self
  • Rage – Passively has Foresight (DMG) for self
  • Blood – Passively has Foresight for random stat for self
  • Doom – Temporarily reveal all nearby enemies and increase damage against them
  • Void – Passively has Foresight (CDR) for self
  • Space – Passively has Foresight (AP) for self
  • Mind – Every X seconds, the next enemy attack misses self or nearest player
  • Hope – Passively has Foresight (HP REGEN) for self
  • Breath – Passively has Foresight (MS) for self
  • Life – Passively increase the effectiveness of physical buffs to self and nearest player
  • Light – Passively has Foresight (LUCK) for self

Restorb (Sylph Class Ability)

  • Time – Multi-target AS boost
  • Heart – Multi-target DEF boost
  • Rage – Multi-target DMG boost
  • Blood – Multi-target enhancement of each players strongest stat
  • Doom – Damaging Ability that heals when an enemy dies by it
  • Void – Multi-target cooldown reduction
  • Space – Multi-target AP boost
  • Mind – Boost allies VIM recovery rate
  • Hope – Multi-target shield
  • Breath – Multi-target MS boost
  • Life – Multi-target heal
  • Light – Multi-target enhancement of luck

Share (Rogue Class Ability)

  • Time – Damaging Ability that steals AS to increase allies’ AS
  • Heart – Kills drop souls that boost the next attack for nearby players
  • Rage – Damaging Ability that steals damage to increase allies’ damage
  • Blood – Steal enemies’ strongest stat, buff equivalent stat to allies
  • Doom – Ability that removes and allies Debuff and applies it to an enemy
  • Void – Damaging Ability that on kill, gives allies CDR
  • Space – Damaging Ability that steals damage to increase allies’ AP
  • Mind – Calms enemy briefly
  • Hope – Drains HP, gives small Shield to allies
  • Breath – Damaging Ability that steals MS to increase allies’ MS
  • Life – Drains health, healing nearby allies
  • Light – Damaging Ability that steals Luck to increase allies’ Luck

Weaponize (Knight Class Ability)

  • Time – Ability that slows all enemies affected (included movement speed)
  • Heart – Ability that increases in damage every time it kills an enemy
  • Rage – Ability that deals damage equal to twice the value of DMG
  • Blood – Ability that improves the effectiveness of all other abilities for a duration
  • Doom – Ability that deals damage the less health the player has
  • Void – Deals Damage, if the Ability kills an enemy, receives half cooldown
  • Space – Ability that deals damage equal to twice the value of AP
  • Mind – Deals Damage, if the Ability kills an enemy, refunds VIM
  • Hope – Ability that increases health regen proportional to the damage dealt
  • Breath – Ability that increases players speed (including attack speed).
  • Life – Ability that deals damage proportional to player’s current health
  • Light – Ability that deals critical hit damage, always

Learn (Mage Class Ability)

  • Time – Killing enemies grants temporary stacks, that boost AS
  • Heart – Killing enemies grants temporary stacks, that boost DEF
  • Rage – Killing enemies grants temporary stacks, that boost DMG
  • Blood – Killing enemies grants temporary stacks, that boost a random stat
  • Doom – Reveal and disable nearby traps
  • Void – Killing enemies grants temporary stacks, that boost CDR
  • Space – Killing enemies grants temporary stacks, that boost AP
  • Mind – AOE Ability that causes the next enemy attack to miss
  • Hope – Killing enemies grants temporary stacks, that boost HP Regen
  • Breath – Killing enemies grants temporary stacks, that boost MS
  • Life – Increase effectiveness of physical buffs to nearby players
  • Light – Killing enemies grants temporary stacks, that boost Luck

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Provide (Page Class Ability)

  • Time – Passively increases allies’ attack speed
  • Heart – Calms next enemy that hits the player
  • Rage – Passively increases allies’ DMG
  • Blood – Passively increases allies’ strongest stat
  • Doom – Passively decreases enemies’ defense
  • Void – Killing an enemy gives self and closest ally temporary CDR
  • Space – Passively increases allies’ AP
  • Mind – Passively increases allies’ VIM
  • Hope – Provides allies with a shield when the caster is hit
  • Breath – Passively increases allies’ speed
  • Life – Passively heals allies in a radius around the player
  • Light – Passively increases allies’ luck

Create (Maid Class Ability)

  • Time – Single-target AS boost
  • Heart – Single-target defense boost
  • Rage – Single-target DMG boost
  • Blood – Single-target enhancement of strongest stat
  • Doom – Debuffs one enemy
  • Void – Single-target cooldown reduction
  • Space – Increase the size of another Player
  • Mind – Single-target AP boost
  • Hope – Single-target shield
  • Breath – Single-target MS boost
  • Life – Heal an ally
  • Light – Single-target enhancement of luck

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