Vampire Survivors AFK Gold Farming Guide

This guide will show you how to earn tons of gold while AFK in Vampire Survivors. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Vampire Survivors game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Vampire Survivors guide.

Vampire Survivors AFK Gold Farming Guide

Welcome to our Vampire Survivors AFK Gold Farming Guide. This guide guarantees you the best value for your money (as part of the current game version) or your money back.

Part 1: Obtaining the Initial Funding

Required to start for part 1:

  • Queen Sigma
  • Greatest Jubilee
  • 21,000 gold
The ultimate AFK gold farming guide

Use your SEAL PowerUps to disable as many of these seven torch drop items as you can:

The ultimate AFK gold farming guide

Set the max weapons to 5, pick Queen Sigma and start the game on Dairy Plant with all options except Hurry Mode enabled.

Remember to DISABLE Damage Numbers and Flashing VFX in the menu! These will lag out your game and lag will infact reduce your gold per hour GREATLY!

Immediately head for the merchant and buy an extra arcana and the Candybox. Pick the Greatest Jubilee from the Candybox and then take the following items and arcanas:

  • Extra weapons: Santa Water, Pentagram, Clock Lancet.
  • Passives: Empty Tome, Crown, Stone Mask, Cursed Skull, Torrona’s Box, Duplicator.
  • Arcana (in order): 1. XIII – Wicked Season, 2. IX – Divine Bloodline, 3. XVIII – Boogaloo of Illusions, 4. XV – Disco of Gold, 5. XIII – Mad Groove, 6. V – Chaos in the Dark Night.

After obtaining all of the weapons and passives, collect the stage items and start evolving your weapons. You should soon get a Super Candybox II Turbo from a chest after levelling everything up, if you have the DLC then pick the Godai Shuffle and if you don’t then simply skip the choice and pick nothing.

Stand on one of the stage’s trap buttons and go AFK. You need 180 to 200m gold, this should take approximately 4 to 5 hours with this setup.

Part 2: Creating your ultimate AFK gold farming character.

Required for part 2:

Big Trouser
18,000 to 20,000 Golden Eggs purchased on him (use an auto clicker)

The ultimate AFK gold farming guide

Use your SEAL PowerUps to disable these seven torch drop items:

The ultimate AFK gold farming guide

Set the max weapons to 5, pick Big Trouser and start the game on Dairy Plant with all options except Hurry Mode enabled.

Remember to DISABLE Damage Numbers and Flashing VFX in the menu! These will lag out your game and lag will infact reduce your gold per hour GREATLY!

If you have the DLC start with the Night Sword, otherwise start with the Victory Sword. Buy an extra arcana from the merchant and then take the following items and arcanas:

Extra weapons: Greatest Jubilee, Santa Water, Pentagram, Clock Lancet.
Passives: Clover, Crown, Stone Mask, Cursed Skull, Torrona’s Box, Attract Orb or a Duplicator.
Arcana (in order): 1. XIII – Wicked Season, 2. IX – Divine Bloodline, 3. XV – Disco of Gold, 4. XIII – Mad Groove.

After obtaining all of the weapons and passives, collect the stage items and start evolving your weapons. You should soon get a Super Candybox II Turbo from a chest after levelling everything up, if you have the DLC then pick the Godai Shuffle and if you don’t then simply skip the choice and pick nothing.

Stand on one of the stage’s trap buttons and go AFK. The longer you leave the game running and active, the more gold you will be making exponentially. Done correctly you should make about 5 billion gold in 9 hours with this setup and this number will keep going up at a fast rate as you leave it running. Happy farming!

The ultimate AFK gold farming guide

Questions & Answers

“I’m moving too fast or lagging too much to pick up chests!”

  • Simply tab out of the game and tab back in, for a few seconds the game will run slowly and you will only move about 5% of your normal distance, letting you make precision movements.

“Why the Dairy Plant instead of the Bone Zone?”

  • The amount of extra gold you get on a stage is only half the equation, the other half is killing as many enemies as fast as you can. The Bone Zone’s enemies get much harder over time so the number you kill will quickly fall off, so it is overrated. You only get a 30% drop in gold (270% vs 300%) for doing the Dairy Plant and in exchange you will get constant influxes of very weak enemies to slaughter for tons of gold and the trap buttons will add even more.

“Are there any other weapons I can take to make this better?”

  • The more enemies you kill and faster, the more gold you will make. However, some weapons generate lots of lag and aren’t worth using, while the rest are too weak or small area to be of any use. Echo Night is the second hardest hitting weapon there is but it will grind your game to a halt, while the Phieraggi does half the damage of the La Borra and generates 2x the lag. Everything else is far too weak to consider.

If there are any further questions, ask them in the comments below and I can add them here.

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