Atlas – Relative Bearing

Atlas Other Guides

Relative Bearing

Quick and simple guide on how to understand relative bearings.

While most ship navigations do not follow negative bearings, for the simplicity of this game, this guide will follow the bearings provided in-game.

This is what the bearings look like in game:

Atlas Relative Bearing 1

You should use this method when the ship you are spotting is far away as simple callouts are not enough to give a precise callout.

Understanding Bearings

What are relative bearings used for?

Relative bearings are used to precisely “callout” ships, islands, … and mosters. This method of calling out is used to give information to your crew.

You may use other types of callouts like clock position or cardinal directions but relative bearings are more precise when referring to long-range targets.

How to use it

To use these bearings, you have to surround the ship with the bearings:

Atlas Relative Bearing 2

The nose of the ship is 0 and the back of the ship is 180.

When opening your bearings to remember the bearings, make sure to look at the nose of your ship. The bearing 0 should be alligned with the nose of your ship.

It is important to callout from the perspective of the “captain” to prevent innacuracies. In other words, the wheel/helm:

Atlas Relative Bearing 3

Performing the callout

Keep note that the following pictures are not in scale and the ships should be interpreted as if they were within long distances from each other.

Atlas Relative Bearing 4

In the picture above, the bearing to callout would be “between 112.5 and 135”. You may also say 112.5 for the simplicity of it.

Atlas Relative Bearing 5

This bearings in the picture above is 67.5.

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